....Optimising grist presentation..Yn cael y ffurf orau bosibl ar fâl....


Optimising grist presentation


Yn cael y ffurf orau bosibl ar fâl



The Wynnstay Humphrey Feeds team are highly skilled poultry specialists who will work with you on your farm to ensure that you have the right birds and the right feed, which is presented in optimal form (grist) that they want to eat.

Finding the optimum grist for each stage of your flock’s development is a key element to optimising your poultry’s performance.

Particle size, uniformity, hardness, durability, colour and smell are all factors that need to be considered when evaluating poultry feed presentation requirements, and at Wynnstay Humphrey Feeds we have the years of knowledge and the experts to ensure that your flock is consuming the optimal levels of nutrients.

Here are a few examples of how our feeds look once they have been processed.


Mae tîm Wynnstay Humphrey Feeds yn bobl tra medrus sy’n arbenigo mewn dofednod ac fe fyddan nhw’n gweithio gyda chi ar eich fferm i sicrhau bod gennych chi’r adar iawn a’r bwyd iawn, ar y ffurf orau bosibl (mâl) y maen nhw eisiau ei fwyta.

Mae dod o hyd i’r mâl gorau posibl ar gyfer pob cyfnod o ddatblygiad eich haid yn elfen allweddol i sicrhau bod eich dofednod yn perfformio ar eu gorau.

Mae maint, unffurfedd, caledwch, gwydnwch, lliw ac aroglau gronynnau oll yn ffactorau y mae angen eu hystyried wrth werthuso gofynion ffurf bwyd dofednod, ac yn Wynnstay Humphrey Feeds rydyn ni’n meddu ar y blynyddoedd o wybodaeth a’r arbenigwyr i sicrhau bod eich haid yn cael maeth ar y lefel orau.

Dyma rai enghreifftiau o sut olwg sydd ar ein bwydydd unwaith y maen nhw wedi’u prosesu.








Crumbs are fed to young birds, so the particle size needs to be small and relatively uniform, yet providing all the necessary nutrition in each particle.

Crumbs are made from pellets that have been crumbled (reduced in size).


Defnyddir briwsion i fwydo adar ifanc, felly mae angen i faint y gronynnau fod yn fach ac yn eithaf unffurf, ond eto mae angen iddyn nhw ddarparu’r holl faeth angenrheidiol ym mhob gronyn.

Gwneir y briwsion o beledi sydd wedi’u malu (i’w gwneud yn llai).







Mash is a phrase that covers a variety of particle sizes.  It is loose and unprocessed and therefore the ingredients are separated and may differ in size.  

The Wynnstay Humphrey Feeds manufacturing process has a special grinder, with electronic control which mixes a combination of motor speeds with a variety of screens to deliver specific grists.  

The specific grist instructions are hard coded into each of the 400+ diets that we produce to ensure optimal suitability for purpose.


Mae llith yn ymadrodd sy’n cwmpasu amrywiaeth o feintiau gronynnau.

Mae’n rhydd a heb ei brosesu ac felly mae’r cynhwysion wedi’u gwahanu ac mae eu maint yn gallu amrywio.

Mae gan broses weithgynhyrchu Wynnstay Humphrey Feeds falwr arbennig, gyda dyfais rheoli electronig sy’n cymysgu cyfuniad o gyflymderau modur gydag amrywiaeth o sgriniau i gynhyrchu cymysgeddau mâl penodol.

Mae’r cyfarwyddiadau malu penodol wedi’u caled-godio i bob un o’r 500+ o ddietau rydyn ni’n eu cynhyrchu i sicrhau eu bod nhw mor addas â phosibl i’r diben.







Easy to manage, store and deliver, pellets are the most common feed type for young birds and meat birds.  Fine ground mash is mixed with steam, then textured through a pellet press to produce uniformly sized compact cylinders of ingredients.


Gan fod peledi’n hawdd i’w rheoli, eu storio a’u danfon, dyma’r math mwyaf cyffredin o fwyd i adar ifanc ac adar cig.

Mae llith sydd wedi’i falu’n fân yn cael ei gymysgu â stêm, yna defnyddir gwasg peledi i roi gwead iddo ac i gynhyrchu silindrau wedi’u cywasgu sydd o faint unffurf.
