The health, welfare and performance of your flock depend to a large extent on the millions of tiny organisms populating their gastrointestinal tract, or gut.
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A healthy gut allows the bird to absorb the maximum nutrition from feed and boosts its immune system. But if gut health is compromised, the ability to convert food to eggs will decline and the bird will be susceptible to disease, leading to financial loss.
A good balance of the right gut bacteria at each stage of their development will give your birds the best chance of health.
We have put together this ebook to help you manage your flock’s microbiome and the steps you can take to overcome challenges to gut health.
The gastrointestinal tract
Bacterial transfer in nature
Gut development
Nurturing a healthy biome
Gut health on transfer to the laying farm
Gut health for laying flocks
Spotting gut problems
How to maintain good gut health
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