Please note that there is a minimum Pullet order of 50 and any customer should be registered with the APHA.
Housing a well reared robust pullet is the foundation of a successful laying cycle. At Wynnstay Humphrey Pullets we are a point of lay pullet supplier, and rear day old chicks to 16 weeks of age. We work with all commercial breeders focusing on breeds specifically for the free range and organic sectors.
Our sole aim is to deliver flocks that are able to express their full productive potential. Through attention to detail and extensive experience, we produce immunologically and physically robust point of lay pullets capable of sustained and productive laying cycles.
Attention to detail at every stage
A member of our team of experienced poultry specialists, will work with you to fully understand your requirements and adjust the pullet rearing program so that the birds are most suited to your requirements. Ideally, we want the flock to be in a rearing environment which will mimic the conditions in your laying house as closely as possible.
The quality and composition of feed is a crucial element to the rearing process. Unlike other point of lay pullet suppliers, we can adjust grists and nutrition to meet the needs of the flock, which gives us the opportunity to ensure that you take delivery of a healthy flock with good natural immunity which will perform on your farm.
Ensuring that your pullets meet and are robust enough to cope with your laying requirements whilst producing eggs suitable to market, requires attention to detail at every stage of the rearing process - everything must be right.
Please note that there is a minimum Pullet order of 50 and any customer should be registered with the APHA.
Rhoi cywen dan do, a honno’n gywen gref sydd wedi’i magu’n dda, yw sylfaen cylch dodwy llwyddiannus. Yn Wynnstay Humphrey Pullets rydyn ni’n cyflenwi cywennod ar fin dodwy, ac yn magu cywion diwrnod oed nes eu bod yn 16 wythnos oed. Rydyn ni’n gweithio gyda phob bridiwr masnachol gan ganolbwyntio ar fridiau sy’n benodol ar gyfer y sectorau adar maes ac organig.
Ein nod yw cyflenwi heidiau sy’n gallu cyflawni eu potensial llawn o ran y wyau y maen nhw’n eu cynhyrchu. Trwy roi sylw i’r manylion a thrwy brofiad helaeth, rydyn ni’n cynhyrchu cywennod sy’n gorfforol ac imiwnolegol gryf ac sy’n gallu cynnal cylchoedd dodwy cynhyrchiol a pharhaus.
Yn rhoi sylw i’r manylion bob cam o’r ffordd
Fe fydd aelod o’n tîm profiadol o bobl sy’n arbenigo mewn dofednod yn gweithio gyda chi er mwyn dod i ddeall eich anghenion yn llwyr ac i addasu’r rhaglen magu cywennod fel bod yr adar yn gweddu orau i’ch anghenion chi. Yn ddelfrydol, rydyn ni eisiau i’r haid fod mewn amgylchedd magu a fydd yn efelychu’r amodau yn eich cwt dodwy chi.
Mae ansawdd a chyfansoddiad y bwyd yn elfen hollbwysig i’r broses fagu. Yn wahanol i gwmnïau eraill sy’n cyflenwi cywennod ar fin magu, rydyn ni’n gallu addasu’r mâl a’r maeth i ddiwallu anghenion yr haid, sy’n rhoi cyfle i ni wneud yn siŵr eich bod yn derbyn haid iach ag imiwnedd naturiol da a fydd yn perfformio ar eich fferm.
I wneud yn siŵr bod y cywennod yn diwallu’ch anghenion dodwy chi, a’u bod yn ddigon cryf i ymdopi â nhw ac, ar yr un pryd, yn cynhyrchu wyau addas i’r farchnad, mae’n rhaid rhoi sylw i’r manylion ym mhob cam o’r broses fagu – rhaid i bopeth fod yn iawn.
....Tel:..Ffôn:.... 01962 764 555
....Email: ..E-bost: ....pullets@hfandp.co.uk
Please note we supply to commercial farmers. We do not supply quantities of less than 1000 birds. Thank you for your understanding.